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Direct Payment, The Newest Possibility of Tapsi Online Taxi for Users

The online taxi company added the possibility of direct payment to its passenger application. By activating this feature, passengers can pay for their trip with a click without entering the payment portal.

“One of the most important goals of the Tapsi product and technical team is to simplify the use of this product for users,” said Tapsi PR about adding this feature; The possibility of “direct payment” has also been added to the Tapsi application under this approach and to increase the speed and ease of credit payments.

To use this possibility, Tapsi users can enter the credit increase section and use this new feature by entering their account information. In the new settings, it is possible to specify the time frame and credit for daily withdrawal. Also, the user can disable or edit this possibility and return the credit payment procedure to its previous form. Currently, the possibility of “direct payment” has been activated for some Tapsi users and will soon be available to all users of this application. It should be mentioned that in the Tapsi application, users can pay for services in cash or credit. The possibility of “direct payment” will make it easier for users to pay by credit for the trip.